Par Nous Pou Nou (By Us For Us)

We are failing. We have been failing for a long time now. It’s time we come together for a common objective and make our country a better place for everybody.

Our ancestors understood the concepts of “Unim fait la force.” We need to start, believe, understand, and apply our motto, which is the concept of “Unim fait la force.” If we don’t, we are done as a nation, and we can’t just sit and do nothing.

We started Pour Nous, Par Nous (PNPN) as a club. It’s an organization. It’s a membership organization, whose main purpose is to help on bringing a change to our country, and our way thought, to bring us together before we go extinct.

1 We need to start to stabilize the country, by first supporting the police. We will help with classes that will make the officer a better policeman. We will also give the officer a bonus of $1200 per year.

The benefit of better policing = safe neighborhoods. People are able to go out. We could go to Haiti – those of us that are afraid and those that go but are still afraid.

2 Invest in agriculture and water distribution.

3 Electricity development.

4 Youth mental + physical growth

Once we have established our numbers and our money, we become a force that can push for change. We will have a voice if we come together.

Years after years, months after months, and days after days, all of us are witnessing how our nation, our country is dying. And we say it to our friends and families. We talk about it, but none of us has done anything about it. Well, we can’t keep this up.

The country needs us now. It’s time to do something and we can all do something, together.

Join the P.N.P.N. When we come together our numbers will give us the strength we need to start making significant changes in our country, our community, and our national pride.

Whatever you may say, or however you look at it, we are the life support of Haiti and Haitians living abroad. We can do a lot more to revive it. We have to come together. We have to or we will regret it. This situation isn’t getting better, it’s getting worse. Unless we react, unless we take action, our country will be worse in the next ten years. So maybe the diaspora is the missing ingredient to make Haiti great again.

We would like everyone to join the club. All of us are in the U.S., Canada, France, Africa, and the Caribbean. We need to build our future for equality, and Justice.

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